Eintragen & Mitmachen! Fühlst Du Dich beim Gedanken an Preisverhandlungen unwohl? Hast Du insgeheim Angst davor, auf einen angemessenen Preis für Deine Arbeiten zu bestehen, und dadurch Deinen Kunden zu verlieren? Hast Du schon Illustrations-Anfragen bekommen, die mit...
How come some people hussle and fight for years to find clients for their products and services, while others seem to manage to make clients flock to their products as if effortlessly – even though their products and services don’t seem to be any “better”? Maybe they...
It's no secret that I am a huge Gaiman fan. I have the collected Sandman books here. The whole shelfload! And let's just say that I did not buy them for the quality of their illustrations. I also own most of the rest of what Neil Gaiman wrote. Including all of the...