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The Law of Procrastination

Problems that are procrastinated are always amplified! For illustrators on assignment: Waiting always makes deadlines worse.   Frei übersetzt Aufgeschobene Probleme tun länger weh. Und speziell für Illustratoren: Je länger man wartet, desto unangenehmer werden...

Self Leadership

Would you be willing to do something that you really do NOT want to do in order to get what you really DO want to get? – Andy Andrews Like: would you be willing to talk sales with clients in order to make a living as an artist?   Frei übersetzt: Bist Du...

A Successful Business …

A successful business makes a profit – to make a profit, you need a plan. ~ James Scott Bell, bestselleing author And you? Do you have such a plan for your creative business? And if not, what is holding you back? Frei übersetzt: Ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen...

Do Things That Matter
Sei wählerisch!

I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me. Today, I am more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter. Life is short. A stupid idea (that works) will eat up your time just as a good idea (that works) will. What do you want to spend...