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Hello, and welcome to LassalMedia’s Portfolio.


July 2015

We just updated our portfolio theme.
It is not fully optimized and functional yet, but we hope it will still serve its basic purposes for the time it will take to set it up correctly. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any question.


I do not want to take much of your time, so here just some quick points and advices:

The portfolio obviously contains only a small sample of the wast amount of illustrations made by LassalMedia in the last 15+ years. The selection of what to show and what not to show is always a bit tricky, as we have done a huge number of different things, but I hope this provides a good overview.

As LassalMedia is offering more than one style of images, the MAIN AIM of the portfolio selection is to help our clients identify and communicate their desired style of illustrations. In some cases it has become obvious that clients find it important to see a larger amount of samples and alternatives, so we are trying to take their needs under consideration.

Or check out the existing portfolio categories in the menue (under portfolio).

Some of the illustrations are WATERMARKED with light horizontal stripes. One of the unfortunate reasons leading to this was the report of at least one atempt to sell stolen illustrations from LassalMedia to our(!) clients by a third party.

We are sorry if the watermarks inconvenience the experience of looking at the illustrations.

LassalMedia is not constantly offering all of the STYLES you find here. Also, some of the old shootingboards were drawn traditionally (= on paper!!! :) on site and later digitized. This is not a procedure we still offer. Still, the loose style is convenient for a selected sort of illustrations, which is why we chose some samples of this kind of work for the portfolio.