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Anatomy & Typeface

Anatomy & Typeface

Anatomy & Typeface LassalMedia – anatomical illustrations and sign language typeface for fingeralphabet.org and LegendaryMedia...
Fingeralphabet Coloring Books

Fingeralphabet Coloring Books

SERIES OF INTERNATIONAL SIGN LANGUAGE ALPHABET COLORING BOOKS Click on the book covers to be directed to the book page on the publisher's website. There, you will find details and additional  slideshows with a selection of the content pages. Each sign language...
Merch for FingerAlphabet.org

Merch for FingerAlphabet.org

LassalMedia – Merchandise for FingerAlphabet.org (several mugs with ASL signs) Available on Society6. Find more merch Fingeralphabet.org on Amazon Merch USAFingeralphabet.org on Society6/USAFingeralphabet.org on...
ASL Word Search Puzzle Books

ASL Word Search Puzzle Books

LassalMedia – book cover design, quizzes, illustrations and print layout for several American sign language word search puzzle books published by LegendaryMedia Publishing. You can find out more about these ASL puzzle books here or click on the book images to be...