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The Happy Secret to Better Work, By Shawn Achor

An inspiring speech, a freeing thought to take with you into the weekend (and hopefully further). Shawn Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., where he researches and teaches about positive psychology. And one of the points that he is trying to make is that woking...


No one has a gun to your head. Realize that you have chosen the path you are walking. You have chosen to be here – no one is forcing you. You are here by choice and you choose you conditions. That means that you either create the conditions that you want, or that you...
Freedom = Control

Freedom = Control

Freedom is really just the ability to control your situation. People choose to leave their jobs and become an entrepreneur to gain freedom, only to get caught up in the daily grind and hustle and end up feeling in a 24/7 prison without air to breathe and time to live....

How to Get Results
Wie erziele ich Ergebnisse

Beliefs * (Strategy + Execution) * Time = Results Looks simple enough. The devil is in the detail – Just think  it through.   Frei übersetzt: Glaube * (Strategie + Ausführung) * Zeit = Ergebnisse Sieht einfach aus, aber der Teufel steckt, wie immer, im Detail....

The Law of Procrastination

Problems that are procrastinated are always amplified! For illustrators on assignment: Waiting always makes deadlines worse.   Frei übersetzt Aufgeschobene Probleme tun länger weh. Und speziell für Illustratoren: Je länger man wartet, desto unangenehmer werden...

The Power of Belief
Die Macht des Glaubens

(this is to be amended as soon as I find the correct quote and who said it) If you believe that you can achieve something, or if you believe that you will fail, you will probably turn out to be right.   Frei übersetzt Egal ob Du glaubst, etwas erreichen zu können...